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Communicating water-related climate change risks to improve local adaptation in the deltas of the Mekong Region (Cambodia)

In the past, the annual floods in Cambodia after the monsoonal rains were viewed as predictable in timing and non-destructive in nature, bringing benefits such as sediment for crops and increased fish catches. More recently, the annual floods are more destructive, damaging rice farms livestock and infrastructure as well as resulting in disease outbreaks.
River delta

Adaptation challenge

  • In the past, the annual floods in Cambodia after the monsoonal rains were viewed as predictable in timing and non-destructive in nature, bringing benefits such as sediment for crops and increased fish catches.
  • More recently, the annual floods are more destructive, damaging rice farms livestock and infrastructure as well as resulting in disease outbreaks.
  • In Prey Veng province, floods inundated more than 80 per cent of the land area in the last three years. In 2000, floods affected approximately 30 per cent of the population; more than 7,000 houses and almost 350,000 hectares of rice fields were lost.

Expected outputs

The research addressed the major issues of: 1) understanding how different stakeholders perceived types, levels and sources of water-related climate change risks and uncertainties, 2) developing effective communication models on water-related climate change risks with participation of local stakeholders in order to promote shared learning and strengthen local adaptation capacity, and 3) facilitating sharing good practices and experiences in climate change risk communication and advocating for replication of the communication models to delta communities in the Mekong region.

Timescale of project




Focal point

Dr. Seak Sophat Deputy Head, Department of Environmental Science Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Email: [email protected]


Ngo Cong Chinh, Seak Sophat, Sakaradhorn Boontaveeyuwat, Bach Tan Sinh, Vu Canh Toan, Nguyen Tri Khiem, Nguyen Hung Manh

Asian Management Development Institute (Vietnam), Royal University of Phnom Penh, Kasetsart University, An Giang University, National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies (NISTPASS, Vietnam)

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