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Reducing Vulnerability to Climate change (RVCC) Project: Adapting to Climate Change in South-West Bangladesh


3 year action learning project in communities in the southwestern region. Approach was to promote and test strategies and technologies to reduce the vulnerability of the poorest to extreme weather events. These evolved over the course of the project in response to experience. Project contributed knowledge on a range of issues relevant to local adaptation, including: the uptake of salt tolerant rice varieties (in collaboration with BRRI) and other crops and drought resistant crops; approaches to livestock rearing in the context of regular flooding; reduced health impacts of flooding through sanitary latrines; development of rainwater harvesting systems and other technologies for improved access to safe drinking water; development of adaptations to housing construction to make it more resistant to storms. Project has been well documented; so knowledge is widely available.

Implementing Organisation

CARE Bangladesh with BCAS, BRRI & CARE Canada

Funding Organisation


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