PACA – Community Adaptation Plans of Action

Introduction and aims
The mission of PlanºC is to implement concrete measures that contribute to a low carbon and resilient development and build capacity for the design of the associated policies, plans and projects in beneficiary countries.
Climate change is a major obstacle to the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals and their successors, the Sustainability Objectives, as it represents a serious threat to poverty reduction.
This is acknowledged by Cape Verde, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe which, on a daily basis, are confronted by both sides of the coin: in terms of vulnerability and adaptation, the countries face extreme climatic events such as droughts, floods and cyclones, but these are compounded by their economic dependence on highly exposed sectors such as agriculture and fishing; and on the other hand, in terms of mitigation, they face serious difficulties in attracting investment and in acquiring accessible and available technologies in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
It consists of three major projects in the areas of mitigation and adaptation to climate change:
EBAC-Training to develop low carbon strategies
IAC-Integration of adaptation in planning and cooperation for development
PACA-Implementation of community adaptation action plans
EBAC included:
- 6 stakeholders’ consultation sessions,
- 7 capacity building actions focused on issues such as MRV of emissions and removals and of mitigation actions and providing direct support to the elaboration INDCs and GHG inventories,
- 3 reports on mitigation options (2015- 2030), 3 proposals of National Systems and 3 side events in COPs.
The objective of training 120 (one hundred and twenty) technicians in the countries was largely exceeded and until now there are 178 certified trainees.
IAC has created a cluster of international trainers:
- The first capacity building actions were focused on mainstreaming climate change adaptation in planning, evaluating adaptation options (new) and project management (new).
- In the last action the focus was put on de-signing project idea notes (PINs), with new contents. The reaction to the contents and to the methodology was very positive.
- The objective of training 120 technicians in the 10countries was largely exceeded and until now there are 136 certified trainees.
- More than 1000 (one thousand) people were heard. The process included the identification of the climate change impacts and the filling of a vulnerability matrix having as basis the main community’s activities followed by the identification of the solutions – the adaptation options, which were voted.
- The project includes integrated measures for improved water access and management for human consumption, agriculture production and livestock, with more frequent and intense droughts or floods, being gender sensitive and integrating low carbon options.
- It intends to also raise the awareness of the community with a play for adults and a game for children.