Governance, institutions and policy
Advancing new insights into good governance for sustainable development in the face of social and ecological change.
Did COP29 advance the UNFCCC Global Goal on Adaptation?
COP29 will leave a very small legacy in the pursuit of an adequate adaptation response, with modest steps like the launch of the Baku Adaptation Road Map overshadowed by a lack of courage, imagination and ambition.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water
The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) 2024 provides its annual assessment on progress in adaptation planning, implementation and finance. It shows that, while inching forward on adaptation planning, collectively developing countries are falling behind on implementation because of the enormous gap between adaptation finance needs and flows.
Good practices in accessing and delivering adaptation finance to support Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries
The article outlines strategies and innovative practices to enhance access to and delivery of adaptation finance for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), emphasizing the importance of equitable, country-led mechanisms and innovative financing approaches to address climate vulnerabilities effectively.
Event summary | Global experts call for stronger policy engagement to accelerate climate adaptation
Climate adaptation is a pressing challenge that demands innovative and collaborative action. The recent webinar, “Enhancing policy engagement to accelerate climate change adaptation,” brought together global experts from boundary organizations and international climate policy specialists to explore effective strategies for accelerating adaptation efforts.
Q&A: What will happen at COP 29?
Ahead of negotiations in Baku, IISD’s Earth Negotiations Bulletin Team Lead Jennifer Bansard examines the agenda and breaks down what to watch as eyes turn to Azerbaijan.
COP29 unpacked: 8 critical topics driving the climate agenda in Baku
Here we present a breakdown of eight issues expected to play a large role in COP29 discussions, with articles related to each topic to help you understand more about the current playing field and the possible directions of each discussion.
From COP29 to COP30: Accelerating adaptation and avoiding further delays
This blog post describes shortcomings of the current negotiation approach, and proposes ways to accelerate adaptation efforts, focusing on both increasing ambition and ensuring implementation.
Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast
Resilience is a podcast from UNEP's GAN that brings you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative, and innovative ways. Listen to the podcasts here!
From policy to action: Strengthening global efforts to tackle transboundary climate risks
As the climate crisis intensifies, transboundary climate risks (TCRs) are becoming more urgent, and this blog explores how global and national policies must evolve to integrate these risks into climate adaptation strategies.
Distilling features of Climate Assemblies strategies across Europe
This blog shares insights from climate assemblies across Europe, offering an overview of citizen engagement practices and the civic technologies supporting climate action at various levels.