Adapting to transboundary risks in mountain regions
Explore solutions on the A@A Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders in this Adaptation at Altitude brief.
Impacts of climate change on global food trade networks
Learn about the potential cross-border impacts of climate change on global food trade, through the lens of three crops: wheat, rice and maize. Using a simple network model, this journal article projects changes to trade communities and network structures, as well as the effects that this will have on global food security.
Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework
This framework provides a means of evaluating how the activities of a community or network have contributed to the improved performance of an organization, institution or even a country.
Climate Change Adaptation: Services and Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in India
ICTs can play a crucial role in supporting public outreach, building a data base, creating awareness for the adaptation against the impact of climate change.
Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience – Agua – Chira-Piura, Colombia
The project Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience (PARA-Agua) or "For Water" recognizes that climate change is negatively impacting water resources, agriculture and ecosystems in the LAC region
How to scale out community-based adaptation to climate change
Summary The impacts of climate change are context specific and the resources and capacity available for adaptation are locally defined....
UNESCO: Islands of the Future – Building resilience in a changing world
The ‘Islands of the Future – Building resilience in a changing world’ booklet highlights UNESCO activities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), covering the period from 2006-2013.
International Network on Climate Change Impacts on Small Farmers in the Tropical Andes
This paper describes the development of an international participative network of Peruvian, Bolivian and German partners to investigate climate change impacts on small farmers in the Andes mountains.
SNA review: A summary
This article, written by weADAPT authors, reviews several recent papers on quantitative social network analysis (SNA) in relation to adaptive governance, adaptive capacity and resilience.
A review of applications of Social Network Analysis
This article reviews the applications of Social Network Analysis in eight diverse studies; details of the methods, questions asked, findings and tools used are given.