Impacts of climate change on global food trade networks
Learn about the potential cross-border impacts of climate change on global food trade, through the lens of three crops: wheat, rice and maize. Using a simple network model, this journal article projects changes to trade communities and network structures, as well as the effects that this will have on global food security.
Knowledge transfer for more resilient maize farming in Lao PDR
This article details a visit from the Thailand Department of Agriculture (DOA) to Laos in May 2016 to advise maize farmers and local experts on improved and more climate resilient farming practices.
Estrategias de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Municipios de Nicaragua del Golfo de Fonseca
The Gulf of Fonseca is an important set of terrestrial and coastal marine ecosystems shared by three countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Gulf is in the process of being declared a Biosphere Reserve by environmental and natural value.
Agricultural choices in a Rain Scarcity Zone in a Drought Year – 2012: The Kumbharwadi Farmers’ Response
Tomato plots in Kumbharwadi Weather variations are being experienced more frequently and severely today, affecting the farming community the most....
Understanding past and future impacts of climate change in agriculture: implications for adaptation planning
This report looks at the past and future impacts of climate change in agriculture in China and the resulting implications for adaptation planning.
Food Security and Climate Change: Which Food Crop to Count On?
Kenya has a land area which is over 80% arid and semi-arid and only 6% arable to grow food to...
NCAP Ghana: Assessment of Agriculture Sector
Agricultural land in Ghana is used mainly for production of cereal, cocoa, oil palm, root vegetables, tubers, livestock raising, and...
Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation in Malawi: Subsistence rain-fed food production (maize)
Summary of country findings: Malawi This study is one of 5 country studies (Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania) exploring...
Food Security and Climate Change
Agricultural production, including access to food, in many African countries and regions, is projected to be severely compromised by climate...
Maize-based Subsistence Farming in Malawi
Farmers in Chikwawa grow a number of crops, alongside maize, to meet their subsistence needs, which are affected by flooding...