Leave No Mountain Behind: The Synthesis Series – Integration of Indigenous knowledge for adaptation in mountain regions
How has Indigenous knowledge been leveraged to support climate change adaptation in mountain regions? This brief synthesises experience and learning captured on the Adaptation at Altitude Solution Portal and explores the use of Indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation in mountain regions through five themes.
Project: Platforms for the inclusion of non-normative genders and sexualities (NNGS) in climate change adaptation policy and action
This joint project has contributed to strengthening local capacity and advocated for/integrated the concerns and strengths of LGBTIQ+ partners into local and national policies. pools practical, studied and reliable information on climate change into one address to support mitigation and adaptation in Finland
What is Social Learning?
'Social' learning is thought to occur through the sharing of knowledge between individuals, groups and organisations in society through interactions, particularly in novel environments and situations where new opportunities and spaces of possibility can be explored.
Governance, institutions and policy
Advancing new insights into good governance for sustainable development in the face of social and ecological change.