sustainable livelihoods
The Contribution of Marine Protected Areas to Climate Change Adaptation: State of the Evidence and Policy Recommendations
Learn about how Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can effectively contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and understand why it is crucial that they are included in policy discussion, in light of COP27 and COP15.
Ecosystem-based erosion control in Azerbaijan
This solution was originally published on thePANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it and a story describing its impact, in thefull solution entry on PANORAMA.
Combining ecological and infrastructural restoration in Panchase Mountainous Region, Nepal
This solution was originally published on thePANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it and a story describing its impact, in thefull solution entry on PANORAMA.
Mountain forests management and its relationship with Andean population well-being: The experience of the Andean Forests Program
The article analyzes how the actions promoted by the Andean Forests Programcontributed to the well-being and resilience of the population in its intervention sites.
Watershed Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments in the Greater Mekong Subregion
These guidelines incorporate the direct experience of projects in the Mekong Region that have used watersheds as an organizing element for climate-change vulnerability and adaptation assessments.
Equipping Farmers with Climate and Weather Knowledge for More Resilient Agriculture
This story explains how, in an era of increasing meteorological and hydrological uncertainty, climate and weather information systems (CWIS) can play an important role in helping farmers.
Safeguarding A Coastal Community with Silvofishery
This blog describes how silvofishery has been used as an adaptation strategy to help strengthen an Indonesian coastal community’s resilience through safeguarding livelihoods and the environment.
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Emerging Research on Traditional Knowledge and Livelihoods
This publication seeks to inspire greater discussion and research in the field of traditional knowledge, seen through the dual lens of the world of work and social justice.
Supporting Resilient Agriculture in Semi-Arid Ghana
This information brief reflects on ASSAR's work to support dry season farming in the vulnerable communities of the semi-arid Lawra and Nandom Districts of Ghana.
A rights-based perspective on adaptive capacity for aquatic agricultural systems in Timor-Leste
This paper considers how a rights-based approach broadens understanding of adaptive capacity while directing attention towards causes of exclusion and marginalisation.