The Contribution of Marine Protected Areas to Climate Change Adaptation: State of the Evidence and Policy Recommendations
Learn about how Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can effectively contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and understand why it is crucial that they are included in policy discussion, in light of COP27 and COP15.
COP27 – Cascading impacts: how can we adapt and reduce risk in the mountains and downstream?
Watch and learn about this COP27 side event which focused on the impacts and risks from upstream-downstream hazards in mountains, which have cascading and compounding detrimental effects on both local and downstream ecosystems and billions of people worldwide.
Shifting the Narrative on Adaptation at COP27
Read this short post about how SEI's Adaptation Without Borders partnership advanced the narrative that climate risk is a shared reality and adaptation must become a collective responsibility, at the "Adaptation COP" in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
How the “Adaptation COP” serves to build systemic resilience will determine its success
Read this perspective on why the narrative of adaptation needs to shift from being a local 'issue' to a global effort, and discover why it should be a key discussion point at COP27.
Adaptation Without Borders: A brief to participants in COP27
Discover key messages and recommendations on transboundary climate risks, and the action required at global, regional and national levels in this policy brief.
ZEROing IN on this critical decade for climate: Insights from the latest IPCC reports on the Paris Agreement, 1.5°C, and climate impacts
The latest ZERO INreport from the CONSTRAIN project dives into the science set out in the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments. It investigates what our climate future could look like, depending on whether we take action in line with the Paris Agreement, or decide to follow current national policies and plans.
Turning Science into Action Webinar Series Session 2: Turning IPCC Science to Action – Joint session on Water & Infrastructure
Watch several experts explain how to turn the IPCC's science into action in this session on water and infrastructure conducted by the AAC and WRI.