climate change governance
The Contribution of Marine Protected Areas to Climate Change Adaptation: State of the Evidence and Policy Recommendations
Learn about how Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can effectively contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and understand why it is crucial that they are included in policy discussion, in light of COP27 and COP15.
Hong Kong’s July heatwaves highlight the city’s lack of holistic climate governance
The global heatwaves in July greatly affected Hong Kong. This is not a new issue the government has focused on it being a problem of heatstroke among workers, without directly addressing the root cause of climate change at a higher level.
Video: Learn About The Importance of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Adaptation Solutions
Learn about multi-stakeholder collaboration for adaptation solutions with this short easy-to-understand animated video.
Gender in the Andean Forests Landscape: Reflections from the Andean Forests Program
This blog shares lessons learned from the identification, recognition, and assessment of local gender roles, functions, and contributions, during the activities of the Andean Forests Programme.
CBA14 Marketplace: Using a social accountability model to empower young people to lead communities in dialogue with local authorities on climate commitments
SAUTI-Youth project unites Tanzanian and Irish youth who will use a social accountability model to dialogue with local authorities on climate commitments.
Climate adaptation must be reframed from a local issue to a global responsibility
This brief provides several recommendations on how the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) could encourage better accounting of transboundary climate risk.
Governing borderless climate risks: moving beyond the territorial framing of adaptation
This article looks at the paradoxes, challenges and opportunities in trying to govern often borderless climate risks through national or local adaptation policy.
Institutional Strengthening for Climate Adaptation through Local Regulation in Southeast Sulawesi
This blog explains why a legal basis is needed to legitimize and encourage local government in Indonesia to develop climate adaptation programs and actions with budget allocation.
Bringing adaptive management to life: Insights from practice
The paper sets out a framework for an adaptive programme, including a set of essential core principles, to assist in integrating climate change adaptation into development planning.
Adaptive governance as a catalyst for transforming the relationship between development and disaster risk through the Sendai Framework
This paper investigates the importance of adaptive governance for disaster risk reduction and explores the transformations needed to achieve equitable, resilient, and sustainable development.