Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams joined SEI Stockholm in 2017. Kevin’s research focuses primarily on global climate politics and the political ...
Contesting legitimacy in global environmental governance – An exploration of transboundary climate risk management in the Brazilian-German coffee supply-chain
Explore the ways in which transboundary climate risks are being governed across a Brazilian-German coffee supply chain in this journal paper. Learn about the five distinct governance pathways identified, which are each underpinned by a distinct operationalization of legitimacy.
Climate risks to trade and food security: implications for policy
This policy brief presents insights from a groundbreaking assessment of climate risks to international trade in six major commodities.
Climate change, trade, and global food security
This report provides a first systematic, quantitative assessment of transboundary climate risks to trade in major agricultural commodities – maize, rice, wheat, soy, sugar cane, and coffee.
A Just Transition for Climate Change Adaptation: Towards Just Resilience and Security in a Globalising World
This policy brief presents a novel framework for a just transition for adaptation, with the objective of achieving globally just resilience.
The Geopolitics of Food Security: Barriers to the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger
This paper seeks to give geopolitics a more prominent place in the food security debate, outlining its impact across a range of areas that directly affect food security.