Communities and Climate Change: Building Local Capacity for Adaptation in Goromonzi District, Munyawiri Ward, Zimbabwe

The project addresses challenges associated with dwindling water resources for drinking and horticulture activities and animals, as well as unsustainable agricultural practices. The communities in Munyawiri are affected by water shortages resulting in crop failure and inadequate food. These have been exacerbated by changing rainfall patterns characterised by mid season long dry spells. The area also experiences recurrent droughts which affect the communities’ livelihood options. In response to risks and vulnerabilities, the project has managed to see four deep wells installed with rope and washer technology. Deep wells are for provision of reliable clean water for both human beings and animals. The rope and washer technology enhances water management as the system prevents unnecessary waste or loss of water. It is also user friendly which makes it easy for all people to draw water and easy and cheap to construct. Apart from the wells, the project also established conservation agriculture demonstration centres for water and soil management.
Sherpard Zvigadza, [email protected], [email protected]
ZERO Regional Environment Organisation and Zimbabwe Women’s Bureau