water resources
Climate change, agriculture and internal human mobility in the Bhutan Himalayas
This case study examines the effects of climate change on agriculture and human mobility in Bhutan, the adaptation strategies, prevalent barriers and lessons learned.
Planes Directores de Cuenca: Un primer paso para la sostenibilidad hídrica en Bolivia
Bolivia WATCH, liderado por SEI, vincula la gestión de cuencas hidrográficas con el agua, saneamiento e higiene para promover la sostenibilidad hídrica y mejorar la calidad de vida mediante una estrategia inclusiva basada en los Planes Directores de Cuenca (PDC).
Plan Director de la Cuenca Pampa Huari – Bolivia WATCH
El documento presenta los logros y desafíos en la planificación y gestión de la cuenca del río Pampa Huari, resaltando la relevancia de la colaboración intersectorial y enfoques innovadores para lograr un desarrollo sostenible en la región.
Un enfoque integral para agua, saneamiento y cuencas hidrográficas en Guatemala
Este documento ofrece estrategias y herramientas respaldadas por investigadores de SEI para mejorar el acceso generalizado a servicios básicos de agua potable, saneamiento e higiene en Guatemala de manera duradera y sostenible
Plan Director de la Cuenca del Río Tupiza – Bolivia WATCH
Este documento resume el proceso de actualización y complementación del Plan Director de la Cuenca del Río Tupiza (Bolivia). El Plan tiene el objetivo de promover la gestión integral y sostenible de los recursos hídricos en la región.
Mountains in silent thaw: Losses and damages from the disappearing “frozen heartbeat”of Earth
Learn about the losses and damages mountain regions are incurring as a result of climate change in this case study from the 2023 Adaptation Gap Report.
Romania's Climate Change Adaptation Platform, RO-ADAPT, is an innovative tool for the substantiation of the national climate change policies and strategy, as well the sectoral ones in the climate change adaptation direction of action.
An African perspective on transboundary and cascading climate risks
Learn about how transboundary and cascading climate risks could impact different African regions, with a focus on East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa, in this Adaptation Without Borders discussion brief. Also explore the role of national and regional adaptation plans in managing these risks.
SCA-Himalayas project-Landslide analysis with radar data in the Indian Himalayas
Learn about the SCA-Himalayas project which is addressing climate risks in the mountainous context, including landslides, floods and changes in water resource availability.
Catalogue of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures in Mountains
Explore the experiences of using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to build climate resilience in three mountain ranges. The catalogue provides practical information on these experiences to inform NbS practitioners, decision-makers, project designers and managers, researchers and local communities.