Sarah Opitz-Stapleton
Dr Sarah Opitz-Stapleton is a Research Associate in the Global Risks and Resilience programme at ODI. She is also a Senior...
Climate-resilient development for Somalia
This report outlines ways that policymakers in Somalia can increase access to climate finance and better integrate adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management in socioeconomic development.
Policy mechanisms of the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities to manage transboundary climate risks
Take a deep dive into dive into African Union (AU) policies and programmes and those of four regional economic communities (RECs) in this report by the Adaptation Without Borders partnership. Learn about the political economy of transboundary climate risks and their management within existing continental and REC climate, economic, trade, infrastructure and people-centred policies and programmes.
Developing guidance on managing transboundary climate risks in adaptation and sectoral planning
Explore how we can move from prototype to fully operational (and widely deployed) guidance on mainstreaming TCARs within policy and practice in this concept note. It sets out several key considerations for developing credible and salient guidance on TCAR risk management in support of NAPs, regional adaptation planning and other climate policy planning processes.
Policy brief: How can Africa manage the transboundary climate risks it faces?
Explore 5 significant transboundary climate risks in Africa that urgently need consideration for management: biophysical, financial, trade, people-centred and geopolitical. The authors draw on real examples from countries across Africa and provide practical recommendations to consider going forwards.
An African perspective on transboundary and cascading climate risks
Learn about how transboundary and cascading climate risks could impact different African regions, with a focus on East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa, in this Adaptation Without Borders discussion brief. Also explore the role of national and regional adaptation plans in managing these risks.