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WD-NACE study sites on the South Kenya Coast

A map and description of the study sites for the WD-NACE activities conducted on the South Kenya Coast
Multiple Authors
image of coastal area where the project worked

Map of WD-NACE project study sites on the South Kenya Coast

To understand decision-making processes in coastal resource use and management, the role of actors in horizontal and vertical social networks, perceptions of changes in ecosystems and the multiple dimensions of poverty, WD-NACE project field activities were designed to facilitate data collection, co-construction and feedback with stakeholders.

This map shows the villages and areas from where our participants came.

5 focus group discussion villages: Jimbo, Kibuyuni, Muhaka, Mwawmbe, Vanga

Participatory modelling workshop villages: Gazi, Msambweni, Makongini, Tulisubiri, Wasini


This work was funded by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation programme (ESPA) as project number NE/I00288X/1. ESPA is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), as part of the UK’s Living with Environmental Change Programme (LWEC).

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