Climate-Smart Land Use (CSLU) in ASEAN
The Climate-Smart Land Use (CSLU) in ASEAN project builds on the successes of the Forestry and Climate Change Project (FOR-CC) under the former ASEAN-German Program on Response to Climate Change (GAP-CC), which supported ASEAN in improving selected framework conditions for sustainable agriculture and Forestry in ASEAN Member States. CSLU strengthens the coordination role of ASEAN in contributing to international and national climate policy processes on climate-smart land use in agriculture and forestry. More information here.
CLSU developed the following projects outputs:
- ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) – This is a platform for regional sharing of experiences and expertise on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) established in 2014.
- Review of ASEAN Guidelines on climate-smart agriculture – This review assessed insights and learnings from the use and application of the following guidelines: ASEAN Regional Guidelines for Promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices, Vol. I and II, 2015 and 2017; 10 Phases in Developing a National Crop Insurance Program: Guide Overview, 2017; ASEAN Guidelines for Agroforestry Development, 2018; ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry, 2018; ASEAN Public-Private Partnership Regional Framework for Technology Development in the Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (FAF) Sector, 2017; and, AMAF’s Approach to Gender Mainstreaming in the Food, Agriculture and Forestry Sectors, 2018.
- Climate-Smart Land Use Digests and Insight Briefs (see below) – These aim to raise awareness on the mitigation and adaptation potential of selected climate-smart land-use practices and approaches in order to contribute to their application in Southeast Asia as well as to enhance the technical knowledge exchange among ASEAN Member States (see below for links to the Briefs).
- ASEAN Climate-Smart Leadership Programme – This aims to build the capacities and leadership of ASEAN Member States on climate-smart land use. Lessons from the programme is distilled in a publication.
- ASEAN Negotiating Group on Agriculture (ANGA) – Through this entity, ASEAN is able to contribute to shaping multilateral environmental agreements, notably the UNFCCC, for the protection of the ASEAN’s land-use sector. More information about ANGA is found here.
Key Outcomes
Since its establishment, CSLU has achieved numerous outcomes including the following:
- An active ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) with members from all ASEAN member states;
- Workshops, coordination meetings, consultations, and specialized negotiation training;
- Two volumes of ASEAN Guidelines for Promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices endorsed by SOM-AMAF; a third volume is currently being drafted and waiting. More information on volume one can be found here. More information on volume two can be found here.
The Climate-Smart Land Use (CSLU) in ASEAN project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close cooperation with the ASEAN Secretariat with funding provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
CSLU has also produced six Insight Briefs:
- Insight Brief No. 1 – Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture (IAA) Systems for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Livelihoods
- Insight Brief No. 2 – Alternate wetting and drying for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and livelihoods
- Insight Brief No. 3 – Climate services to support adaptation and livelihoods
- Insight Brief No. 4 – Silvopastoral systems for climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Insight Brief No. 5 – Sustainable soil management for enhanced productivity and climate benefits in ASEAN
- Insight Brief No 6 – Forest landscape restoration (coming soon)
ASEAN Guidelines for Promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices: