Resilient women for resilient mountain villages: A holistic approach to climate change adaptation in Nepal
The HKH Adaptation Solutions Portal is one of a collaborative family of regional and topic-orientated portals working with the Adaptation at Altitude programme to collect and connect knowledge on successful climate change adaptation solutions.
These portals are connected through the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal, a global portal working to share solutions that can be scaled-up and translated into new contexts across the world, and to promote exchange, networking and discussion via a dedicated community for adaptation in mountains.
Managing forests for climate resilience in Nepal
The HKH Adaptation Solutions Portal is one of a collaborative family of regional and topic-orientated portals working with the Adaptation at Altitude programme to collect and connect knowledge on successful climate change adaptation solutions.
These portals are connected through the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal, a global portal working to share solutions that can be scaled-up and translated into new contexts across the world, and to promote exchange, networking and discussion via a dedicated community for adaptation in mountains.
Reconversion of conventional production systems to traditional – agroecological systems, with emphasis on in situ conservation of Andean tubers as a climate change adaptation strategy for small producers in Boyacá-Colombia
Implemented in the department of Boyacá, Colombia, since approximately 2000, this solution aims to preserve and promote the cultivation and...
Management and conservation of wetlands and paramos in Venezuela: Successful experiences of adaptation to climate change in the Mixteque – Mérida paramo
Implemented in the community of Mixteque, in the municipality of Rangel, the solutions described here were promoted by local communities...
Climate-Smart Livestock Production in Ecuador: climate change adaptation for small and medium-sized livestock producers, with special focus on the Imbabura and Loja provinces
The Climate-Smart Livestock Production project (GCI by its spanish acronym) in Ecuador was implemented from 2016 to 2020 at various...
Funding and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in high mountain indigenous communities through the Fund for the Tungurahua Paramos Management and the Fight Against Poverty, Ecuador FPLPT Project description Equator Prize 2019 winner project The Fund for the Tungurahua Paramos Management and the Fight...
Adaptation experiences to climate change with peasant communities in the Sumapaz – Chingaza – Guerrero and Cerros Orientales paramo corridor Project description (ESP) This solution, which was implemented from 2014 to 2020 in Colombia, on the northern part of...
Adaptation to Climate Impacts in Water Regulation and Supply for the Area of Chingaza – Sumapaz – Guerrero, Colombia
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of IDB
Improvement of vegas and bofedales through traditional Aymara practices in the highlands of northern Chile Project presentation on the TV programme “Panorama Chile”, VTR, Fundación Viva Chile In the highlands of Tarapacá, Chile,...
Wetland management and conservation in the Pozuelos Biosphere Reserve, Argentina Project description by Wetands International (in Spanish) This program works with the communities and other local actors in the...