Webinar: Water and Climate Adaptation Strategies – The Case of Bangladesh

Webinar: Water and Climate Adaptation Strategies – The Case of Bangladesh
Friday, Oct 20 at 11:00 Netherlands Time.
The Future Proofing Water and Climate Adaptation IPDC webinar series continues this Fall. Featuring Deltas, coasts, and small islands – action, political-will and financing for climate adaptation.
‘Futureproofing: Water and Climate Adaptation’ is a webinar series focused on adaptation strategy, practices, and financing for coastal areas, including islands and deltas. The series is designed to support the ambition of the International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas – to build capacity for effective adaptation planning, governance, and finance – through online knowledge sharing. The webinars consist of expert presentations and panel discussions.
The second Fall webinar, ‘Water and Climate Adaptation Strategies – the Case of Bangladesh’, features cases of linking water and climate adaptation for financing and project implementation in Bangladesh.
As the impacts of climate change continue to intensify, coastal flooding risk will increase, affecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people and putting infrastructure valued between US$7.9 – 12.7 trillion. Globally, 40% of the population lives within 100 km of the coast, and 11% live in low-lying coastal areas, where the impacts of sea level rise could be felt as soon as 2050(1). Accelerating adaptation efforts is essential to protect people, landscapes, economies, and even the very existence of some islands and deltaic coasts.
Drinking water quality and food security are threatened by climate change and flooding events. Moreover, marine transportation and ocean tourism are trillion-dollar industries (2). Without climate adaptation measures, damage to infrastructure, losses in crop production, and reduced fishing yields could cause average GDP losses of up to 19.5 percent in the world’s deltas (3) similarly, it is estimated that flooding due to climate change could affect 20% of global GDP (4).
It is widely accepted that coastal climate adaptation is complex. Innovation across financial, technical, and governance sectors is essential to accelerate the necessary shifts in policy, planning, and investments to protect against unavoidable climate impacts. Sharing knowledge of good practices in climate assessment, planning, financing, and implementation will support adaptation efforts across the globe.
Contributing to this effort, GCA’s Water Adaptation Community connects and supports a wide range of practitioners to exchange knowledge. The members are individuals working in various roles, from city planning to climate change management, and from water governance to water for food, drinking, related economics, and financing. The Water Adaptation Community facilitators broker knowledge from the community members to national and international policymakers, through a partnership with the International Panel on Deltas (IPDC) and Coastal Areas. Researchers and practitioners can bring their knowledge and experiences to the IPDC by becoming active members of the Water Adaptation Community.
The International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas (IPDC) is an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, supported by Deltares and the Global Center on Adaptation. IPDC has a strategic goal to contribute to a more climate-resilient future in deltas, coastal areas, and small islands with dedicated leadership, knowledge partners, and international coalitions.
Learn more about the International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas: https://deltasandcoasts.net/
Chair: H.E. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Climate Vulnerability Forum, Special Envoy
- H.E. Mr. Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands, Opening Remarks
- Dr. Nurun Nahar, Planning Commission of Bangladesh, Bangladesh 2100 Plan
- Ms. Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Wageningen University & Research, Climate and Land Use Changes – Implications for Water and Food Security
- Ms. Hasin Jahan, WaterAid, Bangladesh Country Director, Locally Led Water Adaptation
- Mr. Tanim Istiaque, Senior Program Officer, Infra & NbS, Stress Testing Infrastructure
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2021). Cities and Other Human Settlements: Opportunities, Challenges and Mitigation. IPCC Working Group II Fact Sheet. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/downloads/outreach/IPCC_AR6_WGII_FactSheet_CitiesSettlementsBtS.pdf (Accessed April 24, 2023).
- World Bank. (n.d.). Oceans, Fisheries, and Coastal Economies. Retrieved from https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/oceans-fisheries-and-coastal-economies
- Gupta, J., Warner, K., Werners, S., & Bertelsmann-Scott, T. (2021). Living with water: Climate adaptation in the world’s deltas. Global Climate Adaptation Partnership. https://gca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Living-with-water-climate-adaptation-in-the-worlds-deltas.pdf (Accessed April 20, 2023).
- Church, J. A. et al. Climate change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, New York 2013, 1137–1216 (2013).