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Brigitte Rudram

I am a climate change and resilience advisor, leading Plan's International's climate programming and Global Climate Hub. M...
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Multiple Authors

Y-Adapt: CCA youth engagement curriculum

Y-Adapt is a youth engagement curriculum, developed by the RC Climate Centre that helps young people to both understand climate change and to take practical action to adapt in their community.
Multiple Authors

Specialist Session: Experience the Environment

An ecosystem simulation game and a scavenger hunt to explain ecosystem services ending with a game to emphasise the role a well-managed environment plays in climate change adaptation.
Multiple Authors

Y-Adapt Youth-Led Action Phase!

A 6 week period for youth to implement their Y-Adapt adaptation action plan in their community. They keep a weekly photo-caption diary to track their progress.
Multiple Authors

Session 6: Choose your challenge

An activity in which youth create community adaptation plans, a reality role-play competition to act out challenges and solutions and an exercise to choose an adaptation to implement in real life.

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