Research Team Leader – Regional Projections
John M Clarke MAppSc
Research Team Leader – Regional Projections
Climate Extremes and Projections Group
CSIRO Climate Science Centre, Aspendale, Vic. AUSTRALIA
e: [email protected]
t: +61 3 9239 4620
John currently leads the Regional Projections Team within the CSIRO Climate Science Centre where has worked for the past 11 years. He brings a range of experience from previous roles in the Australian media and biodiversity conservation sectors and has over 25 years’ experience undertaking, interpreting, applying and communicating science nationally and internationally. His expertise lies in developing applicable, fit-for-purpose, scientifically robust climate projections and assisting users understand, and make appropriate use of them. John recently led the Victorian Climate Projections 2019 project which included developing a new suite of high-resolution modelling and had a strong focus on assisting users to make sense of the abundance of data.
Joined 2020
Aspendale, VIC, Australia