Climate Change in Australia (CCiA)
Platform summary
Climate Change in Australia (CCiA) is the primary delivery platform to make Australian climate change projections available to all Australians. It focuses on climate projections information, data and guidance and seeks to facilitate access to impacts and adaptation work undertaken by natural resource managers around Australia.
Host Organisation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, Australia)
Launch date: 2015
Update status: The platform was last updated in March 2021, providing enhanced navigation, improved searchability, new and updated content and refreshed design.
Funding: The development of content and website was funded by the Australian Government. Maintenance funding come from various sources, including CSIRO, government and private contributions.
Team: Content management: 0.03 EFT. IT management: 0.03 EFT. User Help Desk: 0.2 EFT. Communications (intermittent): < 0.01 EFT.
Main functions:
- Providing quality assured quantitative data and guidance material for adaptation
- Providing decision-support tools for adaptation decision-making
- Providing a support (e.g. help desk) service
- Sharing adaptation solutions and case studies
- Sharing scientific literature and research on adaptation
- Providing the definitive source of national-scale climate projections information for Australia
Intended audiences:
- National-level decision makers / national government
- City and regional-level decision-makers / local government
- Communities / general public
- Teachers / educators
- Private sector / businesses
- Research community
- Civil society (NGO / charities)
Why the platform was established
Climate Change in Australia was the primary delivery platform for the Australian national climate change projections released in 2015.
CCiA recently provided new projections of changes in temperature and rainfall in Australia for global warming levels at 1.5, 2, 3 and 4°C. For more information, see the image below and visit the CCiA website.