Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, formerly known as Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency, is part of the Australian government. It seeks to enhance Australia’s agriculture, unique environment and heritage, and water resources.
The Department is responsible for the Commonwealth’s regulation and oversight of:
- Agricultural, pastoral, fishing, food and forest industries
- Soils and other natural resources
- Rural adjustment and drought issues
- Rural industries inspection and quarantine
- Primary industries research including economic research
- Commodity marketing, including export promotion and agribusiness
- Commodity-specific international organisations and activities
- Administration of international commodity agreements
- Administration of export controls on agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries products
- Food security policy and programmes
- Water policy and resources
- Biosecurity, in relation to animals and plants
- Environment protection and conservation of biodiversity
- Air quality
- National fuel quality standards
- Land contamination
- Meteorology
- Administration of the Australian Antarctic Territory, and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- Natural, built and cultural heritage
- Environmental information and research
- Ionospheric prediction
- Co-ordination of sustainable communities policy
- Urban environment
- Environmental water use and resources relating to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder