Environmental governance
Contesting legitimacy in global environmental governance – An exploration of transboundary climate risk management in the Brazilian-German coffee supply-chain
Explore the ways in which transboundary climate risks are being governed across a Brazilian-German coffee supply chain in this journal paper. Learn about the five distinct governance pathways identified, which are each underpinned by a distinct operationalization of legitimacy.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Fragility and Conflict
This brief looks at the nexus of environment, climate change, fragility and conflict and their complex interlinkages, and focuses on conflicts related to declining natural resources.
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report: Developing a Demonstration Site in Nepal on Community Forestry, Gender and Climate Change Adaptation
A framework for better understanding and assessing climate change vulnerabilities in a context of multiple competing interests in a community forestry landscape through a pilot site in Nepal.
Adaptation to Climate Change in Morocco by Protecting Genetic Resources and Retaining their Fair Use
The Moroccan Government is supported by GIZ to assist state institutions in introducing methods and instruments for environmental protection and sustainable / efficient use of ecosystem services.
Low Carbon Resilience and Transboundary Municipal Ecosystem Governance: A Case Study of Still Creek
This research project outlines the benefits, challenges, and successes associated with transboundary ecosystem management in Still Creek, a riparian ecosystem located in Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Green Growth in Practice Lessons from Country Experiences
This report is the first comprehensive international assessment of lessons from experiences of pursuing green growth across all levels of government and all regions.
Advancing adaptive governance of social-ecological systems through theoretical multiplicity
The aim of this paper is to examine adaptive governance as a theory of environmental governance.
Gobernanza Territorial: Decisiones Sobre Agua, Bosques y Personas
Algunas lecciones aprendidas del proyecto EcoAdapt en la puesta en escena de los sistemas de manejo de recursos naturales que apoyan la toma de decisiones y abordan los conflictos socio-ambientales
The split ladder of participation: A diagnostic, strategic, and evaluation tool to assess when participation is necessary
Abstract The mainstream literature sees participation as critical to deepening democracy and solving complex environmental issues. An explosion of literature...
Socio-institutional network mapping in the Guadiana basin
Analysis of Spanish water institutions