Élyse Fournier
Élyse Fournier earned a Master’s in civil engineering from the Université de Sherbrooke. As an undergraduate, she consulte...
Construction of Ice Roads Under Climate Change Conditions
Summary Warming temperatures in northern regions and the associated degradation of permafrost and lake ice cover in cold climates may...
Fine-Tuning Observations to Better Manage and Design Hydroelectricity Assets
Landsvirkjun adjusting its reservoir-management plans and the design of new assets to take advantage of increasing glaciers melt.
A Monitoring Program to respond to Permafrost Thawing due to Climate Change
Summary Climate change is expected to reshape Canadian permafrost in many ways, which might impact northern infrastructure. A permafrost research...
Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts
Summary Electricity assets are vulnerable to extreme weather events—a vulnerability that could grow in the future due to increases in...
Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Flow Regime of the Columbia River Basin
Summary Flow regimes of many rivers around the world are likely to be impacted by the effects of climate change....