Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts

Electricity assets are vulnerable to extreme weather events—a vulnerability that could grow in the future due to increases in both the frequency and intensity of extreme events. A good way to cope with this vulnerability is to be proactive and take appropriate action before extreme events trigger significant, negative consequences. To achieve this goal, BC Hydro established a system that uses weather and hydrology data to inform the company’s decision-making processes. A dedicated team monitors and analyzes relevant data, and alerts company officials when extreme events are likely to occur. The system benefits BC Hydro over both the short and long terms and improves their capacity to adapt to climate change.
Key take-away
- Investments in climate resilience yield benefits over both the short and long terms, and can help achieve larger adaptation goals.
- Development of an in-house weather and hydrology team is a viable option given appropriate time and resources.
- Knowing when to act helps move the adaptation strategy forward.