private sector adaptation
Private adaptation in semi-arid lands: a tailored approach to ‘leave no one behind’
This paper argues for a shift in semi-arid policy landscapes, that refocuses on leveraging existing adaptive capacities of private actors to respond to environmental shocks and weather extremes.
Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts
Summary Electricity assets are vulnerable to extreme weather events—a vulnerability that could grow in the future due to increases in...
Optimising Equipment Operation for Warmer Temperatures
Summary Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides natural gas and electric power to 15 million people in northern and...
Hardening Cooling Towers Against Extreme Weather
Summary Climate change might lead to more severe wind storms. Hardening equipment to make it less susceptible to damage from...
Storage Tank Protection to Extreme Weather and Strong Winds
Summary Increasing weather extremes such as storms and strong winds might increase the risk of loss or damage of fixed...
Using Portable and Lightweight Flood Protection
Summary Flooding is a significant risk for many power sector operations and typical flood protection structures such as levees are...
UKCIP's BACLIAT climate change risk and vulnerability assessment for corporate or other business operations such as SMEs.