Sustainable Development Goals
Q&A: Francis X. Johnson on the IPCC Synthesis Report
Read this Q&A on the Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – its significance, highlights and next steps, by Francis X. Johnson, SEI Senior Research Fellow and member of the Extended Writing Team.
Climate-resilient Finance and Investment: Framing Paper
Learn about the current efforts to align finance with climate-resilient development, as well as possible ways forward for defining, measuring and mobilising adaptation-aligned finance in this OECD framing paper.
Overcoming Barriers to Integrated Planning: Tools and Training for Countries to Combine Climate and Development Aims
This brief presents an analysis of available tools for integrated planning that can identify and maximise synergies between sustainable development and the ambition required by a 1.5°C climate mitigation target.
The SDC’s Engagement for Clean Air for All
The SDC supports partners around the world in tackling climate change and in improving air quality while reducing poverty, improving health and protecting the environment.
Why context matters in ecosystem resilience: Five insights from India and Guatemala
What insights can we learn from Guatemala and India on community-led adaptation to create resilient ecosystems? Learn more in this article summarizing a policy paper by the Climate-SDG Integration project.
Toolkit: Facilitating a gender-responsive NAP process
This toolkit published by NAP Global Network, Least Developed Countries Expert Group and the Adaptation Committee— supports country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process.
Leaving no one in mountains behind – Localizing the SDGs for resilience of mountain people and ecosystems
This issue brief presents initial steps towards localization of the 2030 Agenda to mountain areas.
Private adaptation in semi-arid lands: a tailored approach to ‘leave no one behind’
This paper argues for a shift in semi-arid policy landscapes, that refocuses on leveraging existing adaptive capacities of private actors to respond to environmental shocks and weather extremes.
Toolkit for a Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process
This toolkit is designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process.
Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development | Getting Started on Alignment
The brief explores how the different agendas and policy processes relate to each other and to a country’s national development planning processes.