Susanne Wymann von Dach
MRD Talk #01: Climate change adaptation in mountains – How to close the gap between policies and local realities?
The first talk in the MRD Talk series, highlighting the crucial role of dialogue between scientists, development practitioners, private-sector representatives, and policymakers in fostering innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient mountain futures.
Leave No Mountain Behind: Disaster Risk Reduction for All
Why, despite the essential role mountains play in enabling countries and regions adapt to climate change, reduce disaster risks and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, are mountain communities often left behind economically and politically? Learn more in this issue brief.
Vibrant Mountain Communities Regional Development in Mountains: Realizing Potentials, Tackling Disparities
This report draws on experiences from different mountain regions to shed light on three main levers for transformation in mountain areas: inclusive planning and decision-making, equitable access to quality public services, and collaborations to spark innovation.
Leaving no one in mountains behind – Localizing the SDGs for resilience of mountain people and ecosystems
This issue brief presents initial steps towards localization of the 2030 Agenda to mountain areas.
Shaping the water–energy–food nexus for resilient mountain livelihoods
This brief presents a participatory process for assessing the status of water–energy–food systems in mountains, identifying governance and technical options and exploring alternative scenarios.