Fine-Tuning Observations to Better Manage and Design Hydroelectricity Assets
Landsvirkjun adjusting its reservoir-management plans and the design of new assets to take advantage of increasing glaciers melt.
Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts
Summary Electricity assets are vulnerable to extreme weather events—a vulnerability that could grow in the future due to increases in...
Optimising Equipment Operation for Warmer Temperatures
Summary Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides natural gas and electric power to 15 million people in northern and...
Building Resilience to Extreme Weather Events in New York
This case study explores New-York City's vast program to adapt to climate change and build resilience to extreme events.
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely
This case study explores how EirGrid, Ireland’s public electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) and ESB Networks (ESBN), Ireland’s Transmission Asset Owner (TAO), completed risk assessment to manage risks posed by climate change.
Adapting to Reduced Equipment Thermal Ratings
This case study describes the approaches taken by several utilities to mitigate the challenges posed by increased temperature.
Peru’s National Climate Law: A critical step towards reducing global emissions
This publication explains how the Government of Peru went about creating Peru's first climate change law, which represents a major transformation of the country’s greenhouse gas management system.
Lighting the way for climate-resilient energy in Moldova
With high dependence on imported energy, Moldova has recently seen significant increases in the prices for natural gas and electricity. Grants for solar pannels are forming part of the solution.
Linkages between agro-energy investment, rural transformation and low carbon pathways: A sustainability assessment for the Makeni sugarcane project in Sierra Leone.
This project will conduct a sustainability assessment on the Makeni sugarcane project in Sierra Leone, from the perspective of rural transformation and low-carbon pathways.
Perceptions of Climate Change in Pakistan
Climate Asia is the largest ever study of people’s experience of climate change in seven countries - Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam.