Mariela Morales
EcoAdapt: Creating and Sharing New Knowledge Through Joint Learning on Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation
This Occasional Paper presents the results of the EcoAdapt Project, a joint undertaking by four research and five civil society organizations from Europe and Latin America.
Barreras, fortalezas y oportunidades para la adaptación basada en ecosistemas en Jujuy, Argentina
En este trabajo exploramos diferentes aspectos con el fin de generar evidencia sobre cómo se pueden integrar principios de EbA y CBA para la adaptación bajo un enfoque de sistemas socio-ecológicos.
EcoAdapt Project: Cross-site Analysis of Ecosystem Based Adaptation in South America
This report summarises the results of a cross-site analysis of ecosystem-based adaptation projects in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.
EcoAdapt project – Working paper on social dynamics during adaptation planning
This report is based on studies of the EcoAdapt project on ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin American Landscapes