Victoria Crawford
Costing and Planning Agriculture’s Adaptation to Climate Change: Pastoralism in Tanzania
The dryland areas of Tanzania are characterised by an extensive livestock system, where pastoral communities use cattle to meet many...
Maize-based Subsistence Farming in Malawi
Farmers in Chikwawa grow a number of crops, alongside maize, to meet their subsistence needs, which are affected by flooding...
Rice-based Salinity-prone Production in Bangladesh
As global sea levels rise, salt water intrusion leads to rising salinity levels, threatening agricultural production. It is a race...
Maize-based Integrated Farming Systems in the Mid-hills of Nepal
Farmers in the mid-hills of Nepal rely on a mixture of crops, animals and forest products for their livelihoods for...
Costing and Planning Agriculture’s Adaptation to Climate Change: Small-holder Coffee Cash Cropping in Rwanda
The ability of the Rwandan coffee sector to compete in the global market by producing the highest quality of coffee...