Costing and Planning Agriculture’s Adaptation to Climate Change: Pastoralism in Tanzania

The dryland areas of Tanzania are characterised by an extensive livestock system, where pastoral communities use cattle to meet many of their needs and as a store of wealth. Their vulnerability is increased by policies reducing their mobility, as they are less able to move to greener pastures in times of drought. Climatic variability is likely to increase, affecting the magnitude and frequency of droughts, impacting the way pastoral communities will be able to support themselves. This project considers the role of different stakeholders at different levels in adapting the pastoral system to climate change. This will allow the costs of adaptation to be differentiated by actor, as well as to consider how the international community can best support agricultural adaptation.
Contact details
Muyeye Chambwera, IIED, London [email protected]; Siza Tumbo, University of Sokoine, Morogoro [email protected]