Nouakchott regional adaptation policies at a glance
This case study provides a short insight of adpatation issues faced by the region of Nouakchott and the policies designed and implemented to tackle them through the AREDDUN project
Climate Risk Management Framework for India: Addressing Loss and Damage (L&D)
The CRM framework sets out a structured process to assess climate risks and develop various risk management measures at both national and state level.
Applying the IPCC 2014 framework for hazard-specific vulnerability assessment under climate change
This paper compares the framework of the IPCC AR4 (2007) to that outlined in IPCC AR5 (2014) and describes how the AR5 framework provides a more contextualised and operationalisable approach.
GIS-based mapping of flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River valley
In recent decades, flood disaster is threatening human security in West Africa, particularly in the Niger River basin.The study addresses flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River Valley
emBRACE highlights: Google Earth Flyover for South Tyrol
Check out this Google Earth Flyover video for the emBRACE case study South Tyrol, Italy.
Alpine Hazards in South Tyrol (Italy) and Grison (Switzerland) – emBRACE project case study
This case study focuses on community resilience to alpine hazards in South Tyrol (Italy) and Grison (Switzerland)
Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate cHange (Ja REEACH) – Community Action Network Combat Flooding
A community member presents the direct and indirect impacts of flooding in the community of Troy as part of the...
Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: An Analysis of Economic Values at Risk
This VAR Report assesses the current-day values of key assets at risk to climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin countries.
CIFOR Working Paper: Assessing current social vulnerability to climate change: A participatory methodology
This paper describes a participatory methodology used to assess the current vulnerability of local communities in the Congo Basinon the COBAM project. Vulnerability has been studied through the lenses of different dimensions: system and exposure units, dynamic processes, multiple threats, differential exposure, social capital and collective action. The purpose of this framework is to grasp the socio-ecological dynamics in the system over the past decades, in order to identify future actions for reducing vulnerability and to enhance adaptive capacity.
FCFA Pilot: Report from the Future Climate for Africa Pilot Country Case Study project; Ghana
Introduction As a precursor to the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) research activities, CDKN, on behalf of DFID commissioned a...