Trends in climate adaptation solutions for mountain regions
Explore the trends in climate adaptation solutions in mountain regions!
Romania's Climate Change Adaptation Platform, RO-ADAPT, is an innovative tool for the substantiation of the national climate change policies and strategy, as well the sectoral ones in the climate change adaptation direction of action.
Resilient Mountain Solutions in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Learn about why a focus on resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is important, and explore the different components of ICIMOD's Resilient Mountain Solutions programme.
Report based on survey: Climate Change Adaptation Practice in Semi-Arid Regions – Views and Insights by Practitioners
The Research into Use (RiU) element of the research project Adaptation at Scale in Semi- Arid Regions (ASSAR) aims to ensure that ASSAR’s research outputs and findings are taken-up in adaptation practice and policy spheres across semi-arid regions.
2014 Climate Knowledge Brokers Workshop
The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is an emerging alliance of around 50 of the leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information
Video – Pemimpin Muda Delta Api Bali terhadap kondisi Wilayah Delta Api
Participatory mapping Delta Api Bali is a collaborative participatory mapping project for climate change adaptation in Bali. Participatory mapping by...
Community adaptation action planning in Niger
This project example outlines the participatory process through which community-based adaptation
action planning (CAAP) was carried out with 20 pastoralist...
Current vulnerability in the Virunga landscape, Rwanda
Between 2011 and 2012, a regional baseline assessment to analyse vulnerability was conducted in five landscapes of the Congo Basin as part of the ‘Climate Change and Forests in the Congo Basin: Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation (COBAM)’ project. This briefing note summarises the results for the Virunga landscape around Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda along the borders of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
What does it take to mainstream disaster risk management in key sectors?
The economic cost and value of options is an important factor in deciding which options of those selected should be prioritised. The resources below provide examples of and guidance, tools and methods for undertaking economic analyses of adaptation options.
Questions to consider in this step include:
Which methods can support an economic analysis of options to aid the selection of priority actions?
Analyzing the role of rural institutions in enabling adaptation to climate change in the agriculture sector
Photo: J. Cendon / FAO, Project description This project examines the role of governance and institutions in adaptation and...