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Adaptation Scotland

Scotland’s climate is changing, understanding how this is happening will be important for effective climate change adaptation.

The climate of Scotland is already changing. Over the last century it has got warmer, precipitation patterns have changed and we have seen an increased frequency of heavy rain events. The experience of recent years has shown us that climate change and severe weather events have already impacted many aspects of society, including health, agriculture, water resources and energy demands.

The UK Climate Projections (UKCP09) provide a comprehensive package of climate modelling that can inform us about how Scotland’s climate is likely to change over the 21st century. The projections indicate that the climate trends observed over the last century will continue and intensify, producing warmer wetter winters and hotter drier summers. Understanding the implications of these changes will be important for effective climate change adaptation in Scotland.

Adaptation Scotland provides advice and support to help ensure that Scotland is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change.

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