Agency for the Promotion of the European Research (APRE)

First and unique entity of its kind in Italy, APRE – Agency for the Promotion of the European Research maintains close relations with the most important national institutional actors active in the field of Research and Innovation, with a view to promoting the development and the internationalization of the Italian R&I system, by providing information, training and assistance services.
APRE is a non-profit association created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and a number of public and private bodies, to meet the growing demand for information on European research programmes. APRE’s mission is to support and promote Italian participation in the European Union Research and Innovation (R&I) programmes, by providing scientific and the industrial communities with information, education and assistance services. APRE is at the heart of a network of more 150 members from the academia to private sector.