private sector
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water
The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) 2024 provides its annual assessment on progress in adaptation planning, implementation and finance. It shows that, while inching forward on adaptation planning, collectively developing countries are falling behind on implementation because of the enormous gap between adaptation finance needs and flows.
Boosting community adaptation with a thriving private sector
This piece explores how to engage and mobilize the private sector to deliver sustainable and transformative adaptation at scale in a way that works for the most vulnerable.
Enabling and financing locally-led adaptation (LLA)
The paper outlines an approach to LLA planning and financing that involves local communities, governments, and the private sector.
Putting locally-led climate adaptation principles into practice: insights from CBA18
The recent community-based adaptation conference in Tanzania examined approaches for accelerating climate resilience through locally led adaptation. Here, IIED’s Aaron Acuda and Sushila Pandit explain why a clear framework, reformed funding mechanisms, co-created programmes and private sector engagement are vital for turning theory into action.
We are all connected
This blog post explores five reasons why it is time to start paying more attention to transboundary climate risks.
Toolkit for engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
This toolkit aims to help governments develop strategies for the effective engagement of private sector actors in the National Adaptation Plan process.
An Introduction to green bonds
Explore the basics of green bonds as a climate financing instrument through this introductory article.
Co-production of Climate Services – A Diversity of Approaches and Good Practices from the ERA4CS Projects (2017-2021)
Learn about the joint effort of projects funded under the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS) in this guide. It discusses good practice examples based on the review of the ERA4CS projects, identifying enablers and barriers for key elements in climate service co-production processes.
MapStakes: A tool for co-creation processes
This is a five-step tool that helps users define system boundaries; identify, map and involve stakeholders; and monitor the engagement process.
An essential guide to flood safety and resilience: Advice for UK homeowners
This guide, developed in partnership with the insurance sector, aims to raise flood risk awareness in the UK, and support smarter decisions on property purchases.