The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is a voluntary partnership of governments, intergovernmental organizations, businesses, scientific institutions and civil society organizations committed to improving air quality and protecting the climate through actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants. Our global network currently includes over 100 state and non-state partners, and hundreds of local actors carrying out activities across economic sectors.
The Coalition helps partners and stakeholders create policies and practices that will deliver substantial short-lived climate pollutant reductions over the coming decades. The Coalition uses four principal strategies – catalyze ambitious action, mobilize robust support, leverage finance at scale, and enhance science and knowledge – that in combination produce the two ingredients needed for action: political will and the capacity to deliver.
We support actions on the ground through 11 initiatives, and our Solution Centre provides a forum for scientists, experts and decision makers to share their expertise and trial new technology.
The Coalition is a highly cooperative group led by state partners, working on voluntary actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants. Our governance model distributes governing and advisory responsibility among several entities, reflecting the diversity of our partners and ensuring that we take informed actions and decisions. Operations are supported by a secretariat that sits within UN Environment in Paris, France.
The Coalition’s activities are financed through a multi-donor trust fund administered through UN Environment. While governments are the core of the Coalition’s funding, contributions from the private sector and global community are encouraged.