finance mobilization
Entry points for integrating transboundary climate risks in the global goal on adaptation
Explore entry points for integrating transboundary climate risks in the global goal on adaptation framework in this Adaptation Without Borders discussion brief. The analysis considers a range of options, taking into account the stages of the adaptation cycle and themes to be covered by the framework.
A Roadmap for African Resilience
Explore proposed key actions towards realizing an ambition of the African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022–2032) to “Enhance coordination between the Regional Economic Communities and Member States in addressing and managing transboundary and cascading climate risks” in this Adaptation Without Borders roadmap.
Financing for Andean Forests: experiences and challenges
The article describes the experience of Andean Forest Program with several finance mechanisms and identifies remaining challenges for the future.
Assessment of innovative climate financing instruments for adaptation action in India
This article is an assessment of innovative climate financing instruments for adaptation action, giving the potential for scaling up adaptation activities in India with the involvement of private sector.
A framework for mobilizing private finance and tracking the delivery of adaptation benefits
This paper presents a conceptual framework that allows users to assess a country’s practices for mobilizing private sector finance for adaptation.
Guidebook: Mobilising private sector finance for climate change adaptation
The key objective of the guidebook is to facilitate preparation of adaptation project proposals and to provide guidance on alternate funding options, focusing on the private sector.
Estimating Mobilized Private Finance for Adaptation: Exploring Data and Methods
The study develops, tests and evaluates methodologies for estimating private finance mobilized in developing countries by developed countries’ public finance interventions.