Climate Interactive
Climate Interactive is a not-for-profit organization based in Washington DC. Our team helps people see what works to address climate change and related issues like energy, water, food, and disaster risk reduction. For example:
- We create simulation software used by climate analysts around the world. Thousands have downloaded our freeware C-ROADS simulation, helping them assess and communicate the impact of national strategies.
- We’ve calculated the temperature numbers the media such as the New York Times uses to explain the impacts of the UNFCCC climate negotiations.
- We’ve helped development agencies in East Africa design better strategies to reduce the number of people displaced by extreme events and slow onset disasters, like droughts.
- We work to find and share solutions to climate change that also improve human health, equity, and resilience to extreme events.
Overall, our easy-to-use, tangible, scientifically-grounded tools help people see for themselves what options exist today to create the future they want to see.
When it comes to helping people understand the big picture and see what works to address our biggest challenges, we draw on a suite of approaches, many of them developed at MIT in the fields of system dynamics and organizational learning.