awareness raising tools
Using music as part of the Tupumue project to raise awareness of lung health
This musical case study uses a song and music video to highlight the importance of lung health in Nairobi.
Using digital stories for inclusive climate resilient transport in Zambia
This case study shows how digital storytelling can be used for inclusive climate resilient transport in Zambia.
Using digital stories for inclusive climate resilient transport in Uganda
This case study shows how digital storytelling can be used for inclusive climate resilient transport in Uganda.
Using drawing as part of the AIR Network to share information
This drawing case study shows how information can be shared and communicated through different creative platforms.
Creative drawing approach
Learn more about how drawing can be used as an approach to express and share information.
Using music as part of the AIR Network to highlight relationships
This musical case study uses a song and music video to highlight the relationship between residents, air pollution and industry.
Creative musical approaches
Using music to highlight and share information and build connections between people/groups.
Using digital storytelling to share information in the AIR Network project
This digital storytelling case study shows how information about air pollution can be shared.
Digital Storytelling Tool
Compiled information about different digital storytelling methods that can be used within projects to help share experiences.
Communicating climate change: A practitioner’s guide
This guide will help you explain to colleagues or the broader public how the climate is changing and what they can do about it. It includes insights from working in Africa, Asia and Latin America.