How climate information services can help pastoralists in the Horn of Africa
This policy brief explores the challenges pastoralists face when using climate information services (CIS). It outlines key considerations for scaling up effective CIS in drylands.
Locally-Led Adaptation: moving from principles to practice in the water sector
This report introduces an assessment framework to evaluate how water adaptation projects align with the LLA principles, supplemented with a principle on Nature-based Solutions. The framework is then applied to examine six water adaptation case studies in Kenya and Tanzania.
Protecting groundwater for climate resilience and water security in Turkana
This Story of Change highlights how research led by the University of Nairobi is contributing to new policy and practice to protect the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System in Kenya and enhance resilience to climate risks.
Pastoralists responding to shocks: rethinking resilience
This blog post from PASTRES explores the theme of resilience in pastoral systems.
Public Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation: A briefing for developing country National Adaptation Plan teams
This report, jointly prepared by Climate Outreach and the NAP Global Network, provides an introduction to public engagement on climate change adaptation. It makes recommendations for how to make public engagement with climate adaptation inclusive and effective, and how to make links to the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
Policy brief: Participatory planning in Kenya’s drylands: The Ward Development Planning model
This policy brief summarises key learning from the Ward Development Planning model, an innovative approach to local participatory development planning being implemented in Kenya’s drylands.
Factsheet for young people: Locally Led Adaptation
How can locally led adaptation respond to highly localized risks in contexts marked by deficits in formal governance machinery? Learn more in this factsheet, which is part of a series that presents information from the Global Center on Adaptation’s flagship reports State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2021 and 2022.
The Climate Crisis: A Humanitarian and a Jewish issue
This report makes the case for why faith-based, humanitarian charities should be adjusting their work to ensure they are building long-term climate resilience, rather than only focusing on short-term, emergency responses.
To do so, it explains the basics of climate science for a non-expert audience, summarises the expected impacts of the climate crisis and the humanitarian imperative to address them, and explains how key Jewish values are being threatened by the climate crisis. It then sets out how World Jewish Relief is structuring its own work on resilience building, mitigation, adaptation and preparedness, to set an example for how their own organisation could begin to enter such a huge sphere of work.
Locally Led Planning: A Guide for Building Climate Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements
Discover resources for locally-led, inclusive, multisectoral upgrading for climate resilience in urban informal settlements in this guide. It aims to support a range of stakeholders to both build climate resilience in informal settlements and link locally led action with broader processes of urban and climate governance.
Conflict, Migration and Land Regeneration; A Tale of Kanyerus
Can degraded land naturally regenerate after a conflict-induced human migration? Learn about the experience from Kanyerus Village in West Pokot, Kenya.