Protecting groundwater for climate resilience and water security in Turkana
This Story of Change highlights how research led by the University of Nairobi is contributing to new policy and practice to protect the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System in Kenya and enhance resilience to climate risks.
Farmer responses to solar irrigation in India: Agent-based modelling to understand sustainable transitions
This study applies an agent-based modelling method in the context of solar irrigation and its likely impact on farmers’ incomes and groundwater sustainability in India.
Tail-end solar plants in India: A quick assessment of the chief minister’s Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana (MSKVY) in Maharashtra
This study assesses the progress made by the Maharashtra State Government’s Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana, its impacts on farmers and groundwater as well as its potential and roadblocks.
Webinar on Sustainable Groundwater Management
Listen to expert speakers share their perspectives on sustainable groundwater management from the point of view of China, various regions and globally.
Mitigation and beyond: Multiple co-benefits of solar irrigation in Bangladesh
Based on a farmer survey in North-West Bangladesh, this study finds that transitioning to solar-based irrigation provides various benefits to farmers, besides mitigating diesel-driven carbon emissions in agriculture.
Pumping behaviour of solar irrigation farmers for assessing the sustainability of groundwater in Bangladesh and India
This study aims to evaluate the impact of SIPs on pumping behaviour of farmers and its subsequent effect on overall groundwater resources in Bangladesh and India.
Human Face of Climate Change: From Risk to Resilience in Indian Cities
Learn about the human impacts of climate change on three Indian cities: Agra, Delhi, and Panaji. What are the risks that climate change poses? How are inhabitants of these cities coping? And what adaptation solutions can we put in place to improve resilience and benefit local communities?
Policy Dialogue for Managing Groundwater Overpumping in the North China Plain
This policy brief series informs dialogue between scientists and policy makers working on groundwater resources, sustainable agriculture and climate change.
Bottom-Up Adaptive Decision-Support for Resilient Urban Water Security: Lusaka Case Study
This research applies the Decision-Scaling (DS) method as an adaptation framework for decision support, by evaluating system vulnerabilities at both the city- and region- scale for resilient urban water security in Lusaka.
Real-time groundwater monitoring and modeling system
This project addresses challenges of over-pumping of aquifers due to agricultural irrigation in the North China Plain. Innovative approaches and tools for monitoring and modelling groundwater