water quality
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Cases in Africa Summary
This is a summary article signposting the FRACTAL Learning modules 1-6 on inspirational adaptation cases in Africa.
Transformative adaptation of rivers in an urban context: An ecological infrastructure and socio-ecological toolkit
Ecological infrastructure plays an important role in the overall health of rivers. This toolkit supports users to design, plan, implement and finance ecological infrastructure.
Adaptation to Glacio-Hydrological Change in High Mountains
This dissertation explores how adaptation is studied in mountain systems as well as what we know about and might do to address growing adaptation needs in high mountain communities.
Transformative Riverine Management in Durban, South Africa
With support from the C40 Cities Finance Facility, the eThekwini Municipality is building a case for investment in transformative, city-wide urban river management.
Nature Based Solutions for Water: The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018
We need new solutions to managing water resources to offset the rising challenges to water security. This report proposes an innovative response: nature-based solutions.
Building a Climate-Resilient City: Water supply and sanitation systems
This policy brief looks at measures that cities can take to improve water supply and sanitation systems in order to build their resilience to climate change impacts.
Everyday Disasters and Everyday Heroes
Read here about Frontline: A programme that uniquely finds out from local people what threats they face.
MOUNTAIN-EVO: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories
This project is about how to govern mountatin ecosystems for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories.