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Key findings from Yemen NCAP Project

Multiple Authors

The key results and findings for the Yemen NCAP project are presented for each case study site following a brief overview of characteristics of each site. The discussion of key findings covers current vulnerability (based on available data and stakeholder consultations), future vulnerability (based on WEAP modelling), desirable adaptation options (also based on WEAP modelling) and a prioritized set of adaptation options (based on MCAs).

Assessments were undertaken in three regions: Sadah Basin, Sana’a Basin and Aden City. All three assessments highlight potentially severe impacts of climate change on Yemen’s water security, and the need for improved efficiency and use of recycled ‘greywater’ as adaptation options. For specific details for each location please see the pages below:

Results from the Sadah Basin

Results from the Sana’a Basin

Results from Aden City


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