ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Studies
The first phase of ASSAR was to investigate what people in semi-arid regions currently know about climate change, and what they’re doing to adapt to these changes.
Use and Communication of Climate Information to Support Uptake of Adaptation Action in the Semi-Arid Regions of Africa and Asia: ASSAR report
Home to hundreds of millions of people, the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia are particularly vulnerable to climate-related impacts and risks.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of India: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
ASSAR is a research project that seeks to understand the factors that have prevented climate change adaptation from being more widespread and successful. This article features ASSAR's work in India.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of East Africa: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
Home to hundreds of millions of people, the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia are particularly vulnerable to climate-related impacts and risks.
Elaboration of business strategies on adaptation based on the framework and tool developed under Business for Climate Platform (EPC) in Brazil
The private sector is realizing that there are significant risks to their businesses related to climate change impacts. In Brazil, the Business for Climate Platform (EPC) has established a Framework and tool to support the elaboration of corporate strategies for adaptation to climate change.
Water Resources Planning through Climate Change Capacity Building: Rios del Paramo al Valle, por urbes y campinas
Water Resources Planning through Climate Change Capacity Building: Rios del Paramo al Valle, por urbes y campinas
Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience – Agua – Chira-Piura, Colombia
The project Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience (PARA-Agua) or "For Water" recognizes that climate change is negatively impacting water resources, agriculture and ecosystems in the LAC region
Promoting the use of climate information to achieve long-term development objectives in sub-Saharan Africa: Results from the Future Climate For Africa scoping phase
This report provides initial research into the use of long-term (5-40 year) climate information in Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and the coastal cities of Accra, Ghana and Maputo, Mozambique.
Evidence of impact: Climate-smart agriculture in Africa
Africa’s climate is changing. Across the continent rainfall patterns are set to alter. In many areas droughts will become more frequent, more intense, and last longer.
Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience – Agua – Chinchina, Colombia
The Chinchina basin analysis is part of the Partnering for Adaptation and Resilience - Agua (PARA-Agua) or "For Water" project in Latin America.