Transformational Adaptation: An Introduction
This introductory article provides a brief overview of the concept of transformational adaptation and relevant case studies for practitioners.
Transformative Scenario Planning Workshop 2: Bobirwa Sub-District, Botswana
On the 24th and 25th January 2018, the second of two TSP workshops were held at the Oasis Lodge, Zanzibar. Julia Davies takes us through the process in a fantastic photo journey!
Lessons from semi-arid regions on how to adapt to climate change
This article explores how farmers in semi-arid regions are adapting to climate change and details three important components for preparing for, and adapting to, changing climates.
Communicating climate change for adaptation: Challenges, successes and future priorities
Communicating climate change to communities in semi-arid regions remains a difficult task.
How is climate change affecting Bangalore?
Drawing on information gathered during the RDS our India team explores the effects of climate change on Bangalore in this exciting video.
Dimensions of vulnerability and responses: a case of Bangalore’s blue tent settlements
This photo essay captures some of the issues in informal settlements, in this case blue tent squatter settlements that are prevalent in certain pockets of Bangalore.
The ASSAR Spotlight – November 2015 Edition
Spotlight, November 2015: in this Spotlight we focus on communicating climate information - which climate messages are most important, which audiences are key and how we can all talk to each other.
ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Studies
The first phase of ASSAR was to investigate what people in semi-arid regions currently know about climate change, and what they’re doing to adapt to these changes.
Report based on survey: Climate Change Adaptation Practice in Semi-Arid Regions – Views and Insights by Practitioners
The Research into Use (RiU) element of the research project Adaptation at Scale in Semi- Arid Regions (ASSAR) aims to ensure that ASSAR’s research outputs and findings are taken-up in adaptation practice and policy spheres across semi-arid regions.