Climate Sense

Enabling the right action at the right time in a changing carbon economy and climate
Organisations are being challenged to both identify risks and to respond to a future with a very different climate and carbon economy. They need to deliver desirable and cost-effective products and services whilst minimising negative impacts on the environment and managing any negative impacts of the environment upon them. Each challenge is unique, as is the capacity of each organisation to address them.
There is a growing wealth of data, information and technology that identify risk and options for addressing long term challenges. Turning those options into action is proving to be a significant challenge for most organisations and their wider networks.
It is this challenge that Climate Sense serves; we help identify and enable the right actions at the right time.
Climate Sense Services
- Plan actions that ensure current needs are met whilst leaving pathways open to address future challenges
- Map the most efficient and cost-effective process for moving from current capacity to that required to take the most effective long-term decisions
- Provide specialist support for implementing those actions
- Support Due Diligence:
- establishing the limits to viability of current practice and assets
- pinpointing the actions needed to retain viability as those limits approach
- identifying the lead time required to take those actions
- categorising the nature of organisational barriers to taking those actions in a timely way
- naming the capacities and actions currently taken to address the barriers
- prioritising, developing and, if required, recruiting additional capacities needed to meet that challenge
- Audit and monitor resulting changes
- Offer Inter-organisational benchmarking
- Enhance internal and external reporting
- Provide training aligned to ISO and NVQ Adaptation to Climate Change International and GB/EU standards
- Using these standards within organisations as a benchmark and framework for planning action
- Provide a framework for reporting and continual improvement aligned to TCFD and CBES
These services are provided through a combination of: smart online enquiry, dialogue and expert support.