CSIR (Ghana)

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. It is mandated to carry out scientific and technological research for national development.
The CSIR is mandated to pursue, among others, the implementation of government policies on scientific research and development, coordinate R&D activities in the CSIR and other S&T institutions nationwide and assist the government in the formulation of S&T policies for national development. The CSIR is further required to commercialize appropriate technologies, in partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders, and encourage in the national interest, scientific and industrial research of importance for the development of agriculture, health, medicine, environment, technology and other service sectors of the economy.
The CSIR is the foremost science and technology organization in the country. CSIR research programmes cover a wide range of activities in the following areas: Industry, Agriculture, Agro-processing, Fisheries, Forestry, Water Resources, Human Settlement Infrastructure, Environment, Health, Natural and Social Sciences. In pursuit of its mandate, the CSIR engages in activities that lead to the achievement of the following objectives:
- To coordinate research and development in the CSIR and other science and technology institutions nationwide and cooperate in their research efforts
- To assist Government in the formulation of science and technology policies for the realization of its developmental objectives.
- To advise the Hon. Minister (Ministry of Environment and Science) on scientific and technological advances likely to be of importance to national development
- To encourage, in the national interest, scientific and industrial research of importance for the development of agriculture, health, medicine, environment, industry and other service sectors and to this end to encourage close linkages with the productive sectors of the economy
- To encourage co-ordinated employment of scientific research for the management, utilization and conservation of the natural resources of Ghana in the interest of development
- To develop, package and disseminate science and technology information
- To commercialize research and development output and technologies in partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders.