Public Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation: A briefing for developing country National Adaptation Plan teams
This report, jointly prepared by Climate Outreach and the NAP Global Network, provides an introduction to public engagement on climate change adaptation. It makes recommendations for how to make public engagement with climate adaptation inclusive and effective, and how to make links to the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
Using the Empowerment in WASH Index to strengthen gender dimensions in Asutifi North District, Ghana
Learn about how the Empowerment in WASH Index tool was piloted in Asutifi North District in Ghana, and about the resulting recommendations, at district, community, and national levels, for strengthening the empowerment of women in WASH.
Nature-based Solutions in Action: Lessons from the Frontline
Explore real-life evidence of how high quality NbS can deliver positive outcomes for climate, nature and people through 13 case studies in this IIED report.
Overview of Researches on Bush Fires for Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Ghana: A Review
Explore an overview of the research that has been done about the impact of bush fires on vulnerable vegetation in Ghana.
Financing Smallholder Cocoa Rehabilitation in Ghana
This case-study presents a farm rehabilitation service delivery model for Smallholder Cocoa Rehabilitation in Ghana.
Research for Impact MOOC by the University of Cape Town and Oxfam
Online training for Research and Development Professionals about the Research for Impact approach - principles and practices that will make your research more impactful.
An investigation of the effects of PICSA on smallholder farmers’ decision-making and livelihoods when implemented at large scale – The case of Northern Ghana
This case study analyses the affect of the PICSA approach on smallholder farmer's decision-making and livelihoods when implemented at large scale in Northern Ghana.
Off-Grid Power Generation Solutions in the Takoradi Region, Ghana
The WestPark industrial park in Takoradi-Ghana now benefits from ready access to an uncongested deep-water port, a thermal power park and a rail and road network.
Supporting Resilient Agriculture in Semi-Arid Ghana
This information brief reflects on ASSAR's work to support dry season farming in the vulnerable communities of the semi-arid Lawra and Nandom Districts of Ghana.
Determining what global warming of 1.5°C and higher means for the semi-arid regions of Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Kenya and Ethiopia: A description of ASSAR’s methods of analysis
This article describes ASSAR's method for what global warming of 1.5°C and higher means for the semi-arid regions of Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Kenya and Ethiopia.